Dedicated To Performance
Our Expertise of Zero Liquid Discharge Plants helps industry to recover waste water and recycle the same back in to the utilities. PARTH has been successfully executing
ZLD projects since 1999 being the pioneer ZLD plant supplier. PARTH specializes in ZLD execution employing an amalgamation of such as – segregation, physio-chemcial treatment, biological treatment, Advance Oxidation, strippers, evaporation systems, UF & RO for treatment and recycling of waste-water.
Our services and solutions have been major contributors to air pollution control and wastewater treatment and reuse.
We specialize in providing turnkey solutions to Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries; through project execution for industrial discharges and effluents by treating air (pollution control), water (treatment & reuse), and solids (incineration systems for hazardous waste management).
- Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)
- Activated Sludge Biological Treatment
- Diffused Aeration System
- Attached Growth System
- Advanced Oxidation Plant
- Chemical Oxidation of High COD Effluents
- Wet Air Oxidation of Plants
- Combination of Aerobic and Anaerobic Bio-plants
- UF+RO Plants For Reuse of Waste Water
- Packaged Sewerage Treatment Plant
- Industrial Sewerage Treatment Plant